How Do I Complain?

You can complain in person at any of Angus Housing Association Offices, by phone, in writing, by email or via our complaints form  you can also use this form to make compliments and comments.

It is easier for us to address complaints if you make them quickly and directly to the service concerned. So please talk to a member of our staff the service you are complaining about.  Then they can try to resolve the issue.

When complaining, please tell us:

  • your full name and contact details
  • as much as you can about the complaint
  • what has gone wrong; and
  • what outcome you are seeking.

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the complaints procedure and how we dealt with it, you can then contact the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO). The SPSO is a free, independent and impartial service for dealing with complaints about public services in Scotland. Please note the SPSO will normally only look to consider cases once our complaint procedure has been completed. Below is their contact details, along with website address for further information.

Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO), Bridgeside House, 99 McDonald
Road, Edinburgh, EH7 4NS
☎ 0800 377 7330


How Do I Raise a Serious Concern about Angus Housing Association?

If you wish to raise a serious concern about Angus Housing Association regarding a specific complaint that affects a group of our tenants; you can report this to the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR). The SHR are the independent regulator of social housing in Scotland.

The Scottish Government’s Social Housing Charter sets out the standards social landlords
need to achieve, this includes how landlord deal with complaints. The SHR are in place to monitor, assess and report on the performance of landlords.

Please refer to the SHR website for more information on the charter and standards of achievement – Angus Housing Association Ltd | Scottish Housing Regulator


What is a Serious Concern?

When your social landlord:

• has acted in a way which puts tenants’ interests at risk and this
affects, or could affect, a group of tenants or all tenants; or

• repeatedly fails to achieve outcomes in the Social Housing Charter or
outcomes agreed with tenants; or

• has not reported its performance annually to its tenants or has
reported it inaccurately; or

• does not meet the SHR’s standards for how an RSL should govern itself and
manage its finances; or

• has not met any targets set by the SHR.


For further information, please refer to the Scottish Housing Regulator – “Complaint & Serious Concerns Document”

The above factsheet will provide you with more detailed information on what is classed as a serious concern and if it affects a specific group of tenants. There is a form at the end of the factsheet for tenants to complete, detailing their concern(s) which can be sent by email or post. There will also be paper copies of this factsheet available for tenants to request in both the Dundee and Arbroath office.