1 December 2022

Scottish Social Housing Charter – November 2022

The Scottish Social Housing Charter


The Scottish Social Housing Charter sets the standards and outcomes that all social landlords should aim to achieve when performing their housing activities.

It was developed in consultation with tenants, residents, social landlords, homeless people, the Scottish Housing Regulator and other stakeholders and approved by the Scottish Government, coming into effect across Scotland on 1 April 2012.  The latest version was published in November 2022.

The Charter does not replicate or replace any of the legal duties that apply to social landlords.

The Charter aims to help improve the quality and value of services that social landlords provide for their tenants and other customers.

It does this by:

  • Providing tenants and other customers with a clear statement of what they can expect in terms of housing services.
  • Concentrating landlord’s efforts on achieving the outcomes that matter to tenants and other customers.
  • Forming the basis of the assessment of landlord performance in delivering services, both by the Scottish Housing Regulator and landlords themselves.

Each year the Scottish Housing Regulator collects a range of financial and performance information about each landlord and the sector as a whole. This is then used to monitor and assess landlord performance against the Scottish Social Housing Charter and to decide the level of engagement they need to have with each landlord.


Scottish Social Housing Charter – November 2022